Useful Information
Registrar Of Births and Deaths offices
New Ross
Civil Registration Office, New Ross Health Centre, Hospital Grounds, New Ross, Co. Wexford
Opening Hours: Tues & Thurs 2 – 4pm
Contact: Tel: 051 440200
Civil Registration Office, Births, Deaths, Marriages, Grogan’s Road, Wexford
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 9.30 am to 4.00 pm
Tel: 053 91 85631
Tel: 053 91 85643
Tel: 053 91 85606
Civil Registration Office, Births, Deaths, Civil Registrar of Marriages & Civil Partnerships Enniscorthy Health Centre Millpark Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford
Opening Hours: Wed & Thurs 10.00 – 12.00
Contact: Tel: 053 92 43706
Civil Registration Office, Births, Deaths, Marriage
Gorey Health Centre, Hospital Grounds, Gorey, Co. Wexford
Opening Hours: Monday 10-12 & 2.4pm, Tues 10-12 & 2.4pm Wednesday for marriage notifications only 10-12.00am
Contact: Tel: 053 94 21374
Civil Registration Office & Civil Registrar of Marriages & Civil Partnerships Community Services, County Clinic James Green
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 9:30 -1.00 & 2.00- 4:00
Tel: 056 7784756
Tel: 056 7784711
Tel: 056 7784708
Civil Registration Office, Joyce House, 8/11 Lombard Street East, Dublin 2
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri 9:30 – 4:30
Contact: Tel: 01 8638200
Civil Registration Service, Sir Patrick Duns Hospital, Lower Grand Canal Street, Dublin 2 (Marriage and Civil Partnership Ceremonies only). All enquires should be directed to Joyce House
Contact: Tel: (01) 8638200
The Death Notification Form
The Death Notification Form is issued by the Medical Doctor/General Practitioner who attended the patient in his/her last illness. This Doctor must have attended the patient within 28 days prior to death and must be satisfied as to the medical cause of death. Part 1 of the Form must be signed by the Medical Practitioner stating the cause of death.
Part 2 of the Form must be completed by the next-of-kin/relative giving additional personal details of the deceased, e.g. date of birth, PPS number, occupation, marital status, address, etc, etc. This Form, having been completed by both the Doctor and the next-of-kin/relative, should then be
taken to any Registrar for Births, Marriages & Deaths in Ireland where the death will then be registered.
Who must register a death ?
**Please note that a death referred to a coroner is not a matter for the registration service, and any issues arising should be referred to the coroner concerned. The local authority concerned or the Department of Justice and Law Reform in Wexford:
Address: 51 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.
Tel: (01) 602 8202.
Fax: (01) 661 5461.
Lo-call: 1890 221 227.
(051) 421 964
We provide a 24 hour service and can be contacted anytime.
35 Michael St. New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34 DK15